Black & White and Cardinal Red All Over

The Arrogance of Dick Cheney

March 17, 2009
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NeoCon arrogance knows no bounds. Their erroneous perception that they are always right and everyone else is always wrong has never shone more brightly than this past weekend when Cheney consented to a marshmallow interview with CNN’s John King. I guess Rush Tub-A-Lard was taking the weekend off so Cheney stepped in to be temporary leader of the clueless republicans for a couple of days.

Speaking of the Tub-A-Lard, that brings us to our first point: Cheney’s endorsement of Rush as the defacto party leader. To show you how discredited the Gang That Couldn’t Govern Straight was when they left the White House, they have allowed an unelected but popular windbag assume the mantle of party leader, a mantle that he certainly can wear since it has become clear that the moral fiber which the republicans once stood by is in shreds and tatters. Only a thrice divorced, pill pushing drug addict is good enough to command respect in their regional rump party. Amazing. Cheney says he loves Rush. Depravity loves company, I guess. Only Cheney would say that someone who spreads the NeoCon lies like Rush does is doing “good work.”

The next big splash came with Cheney’s denial that the economic crisis was global in nature and that their incompetence did not cause it. Well, he got the global part right but it’s only global because the United States is the sole remaining superpower and our economic power reaches worldwide. The Brits used to boast that the sun never set upon the British Empire. The same can be said for the American economic empire. Everything we do touches countries all around the world. Cheney acts as if the global market caused the current crisis when everyone but the NeoCon faithful knows the truth: free market-deregulating-greedy motherfuckers did this to us while the Bush-Cheney cabal sat idly by.

The failed NeoCon concept that the market will correct itself is what caused this crisis. A lack of regulation in a financial market that allowed bad debt to be bundled and sold like pigs or cows caused this shithole we are in. Greedy sonsabitches never stop until told to stop and that was the case here. Adults got elected last November and put a stop to the insanity that the Chimpster and his minions allowed to fester and burst. Blaming the rest of the world for a problem that we caused is the height of arrogance and something we totally expect from NeoCons like Cheney.

What would a NeoCon interview be without some fear mongering? It would be a failure so Cheney threw some of that in as well. His claim that President Obama has made America less safe when it was Cheney’s administration that allowed the worst terrorist attack in our nation’s history to occur is the absolute height of NeoCon arrogance. Placing detainees in Gitmo only furthered the resolve of terrorist recruiters and did nothing to insure the safety of America. Cheney can repeat the lies about making America safer all he wants but they are still lies. Most of the recommendations from the 9-11 Commission are still not in place years after they should have been. President Obama has changed the nature of our nation’s defense and that is what is pissing Cheney off. Gone are the torture policies, the unlimited detention, the secret prisons, and all of the other illegal apparatus that the Bushbots put into place after 9-11 and Cheney just hates that all his work is coming undone.

I just have a few questions about this episode. Does Cheney have any inside information that gives his assertions about our security any credibility or is he just talking out of his ass as usual? Where was John King’s head during this rant? Why didn’t he push Cheney on any of his obviously wrong claims? How much in awe was he of Cheney that he found this marshmallow interviewing technique to be acceptable for CNN? I can understand it if it was one of the goons at Fox doing this but has CNN slipped this far that they found this interview up to their standards?



Jindal Mania Is Dead

February 27, 2009
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Looks like the mania surrounding the rising star called “Bobby” Jindal has flamed out after the horrendous speech he made in response to President Obama’s joint Congressional address. Even after getting help from the RNC and heavyweight republican advisors, Jindal laid a huge egg that had even ardent rightwingers groaning in embarrassment. Looks like Jindal Mania has fizzed out. Of course, I am presuming that republicans do not look upon utter defeat as success, which they have been known to do. 

Jindal’s speech centered around the recently passed stimulus package. Republicans do not have a counter for this measure so they hope to pick it apart by lying about what is in it and turn public opinion against it. That may have worked back in the 1980’s but there is too much information available to everyday folks via the Internet to bamboozle the country the way Ronnie Raygun did 30 years ago. None of the rightwingers like government being the big dog on the block when their vaunted free market has collapsed thru its own greed and mismanagement but government is the only player in town that can fix the mess. Reagan’s motto about government being the problem is what got us into this fix in the first place. All their hopes that the market will correct itself and regulations only prevent people from making money have been dashed in a huge steaming pile of crap that is our economy right now. Jindal apparently did not get the memo down there in Louisiana.

Part of Jindal’s criticism came in a diatribe about the federal government’s response to Katrina. Now, if you are intent on bashing Washington for being incompetent make sure you also include the fact that it was a republican president, an ignorant GOP party hack in charge of FEMA, and a republican Congress that sat on their hands while the city of New Orleans drowned thus proving quite conclusively that when republicans are in charge that government IS the problem. Governing was never a strong suit for NeoCon country destroyers. Strike one.

Jindal was critical of stimulus money that went to volcano monitoring. Funny thing about that part of the package: it’s designed to better predict when they might erupt so people’s lives can be saved. It’s on par with the request Jindal himself made to have levees rebuilt using federal money because it would save lives. I guess the people of Louisiana are just more important than folks in Hawaii or Alaska or Washington State where active volcanoes are located. Strike two.

He was also critical of money allocated for high speed rail projects repeating the debunked claim that Senator Harry Reid wanted the money to build a Vegas to Hollywood magnetic train line. This RNC-Rush Tub-a-lard talking point has been shown to be a lie but that did not stop Jindal from repeating the lie in hopes of convincing some people of duplicity by Obama and the Democrats. Strike three. You’re out, pal.

Jindal said that to solve our current crisis that Washington must lead. Well, that’s exactly what the president and Congress are doing. Jindal’s solution is to cut taxes and further deprive the government of the capital it needs to pull us out of this mess, the solution tried by George Bush for eight years and caused this mess to begin with. This is the perfect example of failed republican ideas and lack of leadership. More of the same is not what we need now. If anyone thought for a second that individuals with a few more dollars in our pockets could repair our decrepit bridges, our potholed highways, our lack of police on the street, or any other infrastructure problem, we’d be there in a heartbeat. Too bad for Jindal it doesn’t work that way. Never has.

Finally, Jindal claimed that the stimulus bill was unread by Congress and the American people were not aware of what was in it. I guess he doesn’t get the Internet down there in Baton Rouge because the White House set up a web site called that laid the whole thing out for anyone to see. I can’t remember the Bush White House being that transparent about their spending plans. Obviously, Jindal can’t either because he’s still fighting last fear’s battles. Someone drop him a line and tell him that they lost that war, big time.



Bushbots Go Job Hunting

February 23, 2009
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Dig out the crying towels. Scads of former NeoCon country destroyers (Bush administration appointees) have not found work in the 30 days since they were dumped out on the street. I don’t know if Chimpy is hiring book readers for his library at this early date but they could be put on the waiting list for those jobs. I wonder if any of them filed for unemployment but are going to refuse to take the money because of their so-called principles.

It’s not just the shitty economy that these financial geniuses left us with that is making it hard but it seems like a lot of traditional jobs are eluding this crowd because of their association with the Chimpster. The taint of serving the Worst President Ever hangs on their resume like flies on a cowpie.

Some pretty prominent people are still pounding the pavement while the rest of us are pounding sand. Alberto Gonzalez, the former disgraced attorney general, cannot find attorney work after his stint as the highest officer in the land. I’m certain that if he really wanted to work that some local public defenders could use the second chair help or some little old ladies could use help in foreclosure proceedings so they could stay in their homes. Oh, wait. NeoCons don’t give a shit about the wrongly accused or the poor so I guess being unemployed is better than lending a hand doing something worthwhile to cleanse one’s karma after what you helped put the country through. My bad.

Michael Leavitt, previously secretary of Health and Human Services is taking some time off. The stress of doing nothing over the last few years took a terrible toll on this guy. He’s “exploring his options” before he’s forced to slink back to his home state of Utah without one of those great, well-paying K Street jobs he was hoping for. It’s one hell of a legacy to be one of the do-nothing secretaries in the most corrupt administration in history and not be able to find work because the last job you had was only because your buddy gave it to you. Oh, my heck.

Some of the Bushbot crowd are whoring themselves out as speechmakers (probably before screened audiences with scripted questions) just like their former leader used to do. God knows what the hell they have to talk about that we didn’t already hear for years and years in the last administration but some group of saps is paying decent money to listen to more of their crap. It doesn’t float my boat but then I’m not paying for it either. Chances are Chimpy will hit the speech trail later on this year when he gets restless. A guy can only sit around so long doing nothing after spending years fucking things up day after day. It’s not like he has the Midas touch given his history of screwing up everything he’s ever put his hands on from the Texas Rangers to oil exploration to businesses to the governorship to the presidency.

I hear that Former Interior Secretary Dirk Kempthorne is looking to be the mouthpiece for some industry trade group. With what the Bushbots did to facilitate the exodus of our manufacturing base to China and the state they left the economy, I’m not sure the aforementioned trade groups will be knocking down his door anytime soon. Maybe if he showed them that 600 photo slide show he compiled of his days as the Interior Secretary where every slide was a photo of him at some park or the quarter of a million of taxpayers money he wasted to refurbish his Secretarial commode he might find the job search a little easier. Have you thought about a CEO job at a big bank, fella?

Unemployment is too good for this crowd. How about a few criminal indictments to stir things up? 


About author

A proud St. Louis Cardinals fan since 1959 as well as a committed, unreconstructed, Yellow Dog Democrat since the autumn of 1960. Politics and baseball... as American as apple pie.





