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Texas Legislature’s Racist Voter ID bill

June 14, 2009
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The Texas legislature finished up its business last week without getting to some pretty important legislation. Since the legislature only meets every two years, we may be in for a long wait on additional children’s health care and a few other pieces of business. Why would that be of concern, you ask? The only reason that the usually efficient legislature got bogged down is that Senate Republicans pulled a Tom DeLay power play to jam thru a piece of legislation they couldn’t ordinarily get passed because the rules would have given enough power to the minority Democrats to stop it. They jammed the bill thru by changing the rules because they could not get the bill thru any other way. The result of this tactic is the slowdown of the rest of the session once the bill came up on the calendar of The House. Democrats talked every bill to death even the ones that would have passed on a voice vote with no debate just to keep the bill from ever seeing the light of day.

What was this infamous bill? A Voter ID bill. Why would this be a problem in Texas? It isn’t but republicans see the tide is turning against them and their base is slowly being overcome by the Democratic base and they want to stem that tide if they can. The only way they can do it is to keep people from voting. The obvious tactics of trimming the voter registration lists the way that Jeb Bush did in Florida to get his brother elected in 2000 has been tried already. Folks are wise to that maneuver. They are also wise to the phony voter registration drives where they sign people up to vote but stamp their cards as GOP so they cannot vote in the Democratic primary. All that’s left is to subvert the on-going process in place to help wipe off long time voters that tend to lean Democratic.

The process as it stands allows for citizens to register by submitting the appropriate documentation, waiting 30 days for the local registrar to authenticate your documentation and then send you a voter’s registration card. This card is all you currently need to take to the polls. That’s not good enough for republicans. They are all hot and bothered about voter fraud even though there hasn’t been any substantial voter fraud since LBJ left the state. The Texas Secretary of State hasn’t prosecuted any cases of voter fraud where people have voted multiple times on election day or where bogus ballots were added to the mix.

He has gone after minority voters on specious and unfounded charges. After he was sued by the people he tried to intimidate, he was outed and backed down. It showed that his “prosecutions” were political witch hunts without a basis or foundation. Fast forward to the 2009 legislature: republicans, with no basis or foundation either, introduced a Voter ID Act that is as racist as the Secretary of State’s prosecutions. They insist on two forms of photo ID but still charge people to obtain that ID. That is nothing more than an old-fashioned poll tax which is unconstitutional. That little something never stopped the GOP from plunging ahead in their ever increasing attempts to fix elections and limit minority voters access to the polls.

Voter intimidation and suppression have become standard fare for republicans faced with their shrinking voter base. This is their last hurrah at maintaining control and they see the power slipping from their fingers despite everything they have tried. Texas republicans are barely holding on to power in the Legislature and the defeat of this bill could very well mark the end of their sad and tragic rule here in the Lone Star State. One can only hope.

Rick Perry could call the lege back into session to deal with hurricane relief and children’s health care but he’ll be playing with fire if he adds the racist Voter ID bill to the mix.


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Mitch McConnell Has No Clue

March 18, 2009
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I keep waiting for the republicans to step up to the plate. There is a lot of whining and hand wringing from the rightwingers but very little in terms of concrete proposals from the Gang With No Ideas. It seems like once you get past the mantra of tax cuts (which, as I have pointed out in this space before, is merely a ploy to starve social programs and eliminate entitlements without having the testicular fortitude to actually say so) the republicans have nothing. No new ideas. No proven concepts. Only tried and failed practices that the American public isn’t buying into anymore.

Instead of submitting a budget proposal of their own, republicans are content to try and nitpick the Democratic proposal which merely goes to further show that even when they do not have the power that republicans cannot govern, only criticize. Given the brain trust available to them you would figure that some think tank, some Senate staffers, some rightwing thinkers could cobble together a proposal to run the government. After all, they have been pushing budgets out since 1995 when they took over Congress. You would think they would have it down pat by now. I say that knowing full well that the last few attempts that republicans made to pass such a budget, much less put it together, ended in abject failure. 

This pretense at governing is truly pathetic. For all the ideas and concepts they claim to have, the proof that they really have nothing is borne out by the Senate Minority Leader’s inability to present an alternative to President Obama’s budget that they claim “taxes too much, it spends too much, it borrows too much.” They can pick at it and offer substandard alternatives to Democratic proposals but they are failures when it comes to establishing a beach head and advancing their cause in the face of overwhelming popular support for the president’s plans.

It appears that the republicans have little more to offer the budget process than a big fat NO to anything offered up by the Democrats. McConnell could not suggest one program or solution to our current situation that isn’t just a warmed-over complaint about a previously advanced proposal. There was no No Child Left Behind. There was no Medicare Drug Plan. There was no Social Security Recovery Program. Nothing. Just whining and bitching. Quite frankly, it’s all they have left. All the big ideas and new fixes are coming from the left side of the aisle. The republicans are out-of-the-loop, clueless, and in danger of becoming a larger, more incompetent form of the Libertarian party.

Oops, too late.


The Arrogance of Dick Cheney

March 17, 2009
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NeoCon arrogance knows no bounds. Their erroneous perception that they are always right and everyone else is always wrong has never shone more brightly than this past weekend when Cheney consented to a marshmallow interview with CNN’s John King. I guess Rush Tub-A-Lard was taking the weekend off so Cheney stepped in to be temporary leader of the clueless republicans for a couple of days.

Speaking of the Tub-A-Lard, that brings us to our first point: Cheney’s endorsement of Rush as the defacto party leader. To show you how discredited the Gang That Couldn’t Govern Straight was when they left the White House, they have allowed an unelected but popular windbag assume the mantle of party leader, a mantle that he certainly can wear since it has become clear that the moral fiber which the republicans once stood by is in shreds and tatters. Only a thrice divorced, pill pushing drug addict is good enough to command respect in their regional rump party. Amazing. Cheney says he loves Rush. Depravity loves company, I guess. Only Cheney would say that someone who spreads the NeoCon lies like Rush does is doing “good work.”

The next big splash came with Cheney’s denial that the economic crisis was global in nature and that their incompetence did not cause it. Well, he got the global part right but it’s only global because the United States is the sole remaining superpower and our economic power reaches worldwide. The Brits used to boast that the sun never set upon the British Empire. The same can be said for the American economic empire. Everything we do touches countries all around the world. Cheney acts as if the global market caused the current crisis when everyone but the NeoCon faithful knows the truth: free market-deregulating-greedy motherfuckers did this to us while the Bush-Cheney cabal sat idly by.

The failed NeoCon concept that the market will correct itself is what caused this crisis. A lack of regulation in a financial market that allowed bad debt to be bundled and sold like pigs or cows caused this shithole we are in. Greedy sonsabitches never stop until told to stop and that was the case here. Adults got elected last November and put a stop to the insanity that the Chimpster and his minions allowed to fester and burst. Blaming the rest of the world for a problem that we caused is the height of arrogance and something we totally expect from NeoCons like Cheney.

What would a NeoCon interview be without some fear mongering? It would be a failure so Cheney threw some of that in as well. His claim that President Obama has made America less safe when it was Cheney’s administration that allowed the worst terrorist attack in our nation’s history to occur is the absolute height of NeoCon arrogance. Placing detainees in Gitmo only furthered the resolve of terrorist recruiters and did nothing to insure the safety of America. Cheney can repeat the lies about making America safer all he wants but they are still lies. Most of the recommendations from the 9-11 Commission are still not in place years after they should have been. President Obama has changed the nature of our nation’s defense and that is what is pissing Cheney off. Gone are the torture policies, the unlimited detention, the secret prisons, and all of the other illegal apparatus that the Bushbots put into place after 9-11 and Cheney just hates that all his work is coming undone.

I just have a few questions about this episode. Does Cheney have any inside information that gives his assertions about our security any credibility or is he just talking out of his ass as usual? Where was John King’s head during this rant? Why didn’t he push Cheney on any of his obviously wrong claims? How much in awe was he of Cheney that he found this marshmallow interviewing technique to be acceptable for CNN? I can understand it if it was one of the goons at Fox doing this but has CNN slipped this far that they found this interview up to their standards?



About author

A proud St. Louis Cardinals fan since 1959 as well as a committed, unreconstructed, Yellow Dog Democrat since the autumn of 1960. Politics and baseball... as American as apple pie.





