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The Immorality of Dick Cheney

June 1, 2009
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It has become apparent that Dick Cheney has no morals when it comes to his beliefs and the power he once wielded. His contention that it is his opinion and only his opinion that counts runs contrary to everything that America stands for. Isn’t there an undisclosed location that he could inhabit for the next 20 or so years? Of course, this would mean that he won’t be held accountable for the torture program he pushed for and the war crimes he committed. I would prefer a nice cozy jail cell in the Hague instead of the undisclosed location but either one would work for me. I am getting pretty sick of his shit.

Richard Clarke has had his fill of Dick Cheney as well. A recent op-ed pretty much destroys the fantasy world that Cheney has pushed on the public since 9/11 and especially since he left office. (Clarke is the former national coordinator for security and counterterrorism for Clinton and Bush in case you forgot.) There are many parts to the Cheney fantasy that most people haven’t realized yet. Let’s destroy the illusions and the lies once and for all, shall we?

1. Cheney claims we were caught unawares on 9/11. Only the clueless NeoCons running the country were caught with their pants down because they ignored the warnings from the CIA and the NSC staff that al qaeda was planning attacks against the United States. These NeoCons did not believe that a bunch of cave dwelling fundamentalists could manage the scale of attacks that the warning briefs were signaling so they went on vacation. 

2. Cheney claims that all appropriate measures were taken after the attacks to make sure we were not attacked again. Again, not true. The measures they took were extreme, poorly thought out, and often illegal. They were in panic mode because they did not want to be held accountable in case of a second attack took place on their watch. Illegal wiretaps, the Patriot Act, waterboarding, extraordinary renditions, secret CIA prisons, and outright torture were the measures the Bushies took in response. None of these had the desired effect of keeping us safer. All they did was infuriate our citizens, our allies, and our enemies once they were made public.

3. Iraq and Saddam Hussein helped al qaeda to plan 9/11. This is the NeoCon fantasy supreme because they refused to believe that Osama bin Laden could have pulled this off by himself. Torture was approved to try and establish a non-existent link between the two. Despite Cheney’s claims to the contrary, no such link has ever been found.

4. Torture of detainees saved lives.  Torture does not work because the information that results is unreliable. The most famous example is that of John McCain in Viet Nam. He was tortured and he broke. His captors wanted names of his battalion leaders so he gave them the starting offensive line of the Green Bay Packers and they were never the wiser. Cheney is now claiming that two memos would prove they got viable intel from tortured detainees but Senator Carl Levin has seen those secret memos and he says they do no such thing. Every example that Bush and Cheney have used to justify torture have been disproven by the facts already known.

5. Torture was made legal because of the Office of Legal Counsel’s memos. Were it only that easy. International law prohibits torture, a law we agreed to. US law prohibits torture. We have prosecuted torturers in our recent past. Dick Cheney seems to think that circumventing the law is as easy as saying, “We think differently about torture” and then putting that sentiment in writing. all they have done is givin any future prosecutions the smoking gun evidence to convict the whole bunch of them of war crimes.

6. Detention without trials was the best way to deal with suspected terrorists. Ignoring the fact that the Clinton administration had convicted and locked up every terrorist prior to 9/11, the Bush people thought they could go one better with their plan for indefinite detention. Not only did our abandonment of our national ideals show the hypocrisy of this move this tactic meant we were stuck guarding these people forever. A number of detainees were innocent but only after years of imprisonment were any of them released. Abandoning trials was a huge mistake, one we pay for in damaged reputation for decades.

7. Tested interrogation techniques were abandoned in favor of harsher methods which worked better. This is the biggest lie of all. Incident after incident that has come to light shows that regular police style interrogation worked to illicit viable intel from suspects and when subjected to torture techniques no viable intel was gathered. In addition to being illegal, they simply did not work.

8. Wiretapping gained valuable intel but it meant bypassing FISA. Then it no longer is wire tapping. It is illegal wire tapping. Breaking the law in a land of laws cannot be justified even by the president of the United States. No one is above the law. No proof was ever offered that viable intel came from any of the illegal wiretaps.

9. Extraordinary measures are needed to fight terrorists and terrorism. This does not mean illegal methods can be employed or that our standards have to be discarded. That route only puts us on par with the very terrorists we are trying to defeat.  You cannot enforce American values by ignoring them or abandoning them. This is a point lost on the NeoCon Cheney crowd time and time again.

10. Repeating a lie a thousand times does not make it true. If it did, Dick Cheney would be known as the most moral man in America but he very clearly is not. His complicity in torture, illegal wire tapping and other compromises of American law just make him the most immoral man in America. Lying about it and trying to justify illegal actions cannot stand the test of time or the court of public opinion.



Judd Gregg, partisan dorkwad

February 14, 2009
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Judd Gregg. What a dork wad. One of the few elected members of Congress from New England that claims to be a republican and he comes in and lays the big goose egg when the president asks him to serve in his Cabinet. Gregg said that he could not be himself if he accepted the post. What that really means is that Gregg is too big of a NeoCon yahoo to drop the partisan act and do what’s right for the country by serving in President Obama’s cabinet. Obama obviously felt Gregg would be enough of a regular guy to handle the pressure of working amongst the opposition but it appears that Gregg did not have as much confidence in his own ability as the President did. 

Obama picked Gregg despite all of the signs that pointed to the disaster of defending a sorry-ass record on Commerce Department issues. The biggest of these was the vote against keeping a Commerce Department in the first place. The irony was de-lish in the picking of Gregg as the new secretary. Then there were problems in accepting a conservative in charge of the Census in 2010 and all of the ramifications of undercounting minorities that the Census regularly gets accused of. Did you think for a second that a conservative republican was going to go that extra mile to make sure all those folks were accurately counted especially given how they usually vote? I don’t think so.

Gregg cited a number of other issues that he could not overlook in accepting President Obama’s invitation to become the new Commerce Secretary so he withdrew. Bailed. Quit before he started. Pussed out. If this is what passes for trying to be bipartisan on the GOP side, they are failing miserably. No wonder. They simply are not interested in governing with input from all sides. The people want the partisan bickering to stop but today’s GOP isn’t interested in what the public wants. They are only interested in preserving their unity, following Rush’s marching orders, and hoping that Obama fails as president so they can point fingers and say, “See? Told you so.”

Thankfully, there are adequate numbers of House Democrats running the House so if republicans want to sleep in Siberia, they can with no problems. The issue on the Senate side is a bit trickier where Senate republicans push every vote to the filibuster proof majority of 60 votes. I, far one, want the NeoCons up there in the Senate to live with conducting a filibuster. A real live filibuster on CSPAN, not a paper threat like they have now. Harry Reid should grow a pair and force the republicans to actually conduct a filibuster on an important issue. Health care is coming up. So is the Employee Fair Choice Act. Make them stand up there for hours on end and keep talking so the American people can see how small-minded, bitter, and useless this rump regional party truly is.

President Obama doesn’t want to push the GOP into that corner. Too bad. It’s what is needed to break the logjam of progressive legislation we all know is coming. Maybe the lessons of the Gregg nomination will resonate within the White House and the President will realize that he’s got an asskicking party ready to go to the mat for him. Democrats have been held in check for over two years now and after not getting the chance to impeach Bush and/or Cheney, they are itching for a fight. President Obama, please let the big dogs run before they forget how to bite. All it will take is one good mudhole stomping and we won’t hear bullshit like “tax cuts” or “smaller government” or “fiscal responsibility” coming out of their pieholes for quite a while afterwards. 

Please. I’m asking you nicely.

Republican Hypocrisy, Part Two

February 5, 2009
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It never seems to end with these people.  Rightwingers seem to think that they can call people whatever the hell they want in the heat of rhetorical battles but when they get called out for it or exposed for their hypocrisy, they lash out with this overblown sense of indignation and outrage that never matches up to the incident in question. In the real world we call these people crybabies but here we call them what they really are: Un-American NeoCons.

Introducing Supreme Court Justice Scalia. I guess he’s found time to write a book despite his overbearing workload on the Supreme Court (wink, wink, nudge, nudge) and now he’s out promoting said book. (I’d offer up the name of this worthwhile tome for accuracy’s sake but, frankly, I don’t really give a shit because I don’t intend to read the rantings of an asshole.) Anyway, he’s out in the hustings drumming up sales for this masterpiece and he gets a dose of the real world, a sample of reality, if you will, from a college student that is not intimidated by his tough guy Italian NeoCon image.

The Old Boys Club that is the Supreme Court doesn’t want to have their proceedings televised because they do not want the slow workings and partisan wrangling that goes on exposed to the public view. This brave college student had the gall to ask Scalia if that opposition was “vitiated” by book tours conducted by the justices when they wrote a book. The crowd caught the connection immediately and roared with laughter. Scalia responded with a petulent, arrogant personal attack upon the questioner saying, “That’s a nasty, impolite question.” 

Later, he came back and told the audience that the justices did not want SCOTUS arguments turned into 30-second sound bites and that it would lead to “miseducation” about the Court itself. Please. Allowing partisan hacks to postulate from the highest court in the land discredits the SCOTUS more than any televised proceedings especially when those hacks are so transparently following a political party’s talking points in their renderings and decisions. They publish all of the Court’s opinions in nifty little volumes so it’s not hard to dig around and read how far off the political mainstream Justice Scalia’s opinions are. It’s not exactly a secret, you know.

Justice Scalia will go down as one of the court’s biggest failures when the court history of this period is written. His partisan take on nearly every issue that has come before the court is truly sad but not unexpected. He can thank his stars that he served at the same time as Clarence Thomas because he will only be second on that Worst Justice Ever list and it’s because of incidents like this that he can attribute such an exalted ranking. Thin-skinned and pompous describes most NeoCons to a T and here is just more proof. This whole episode can be summarized with a phrase from an age old children’s story: Look, the Emperor has No Clothes!

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About author

A proud St. Louis Cardinals fan since 1959 as well as a committed, unreconstructed, Yellow Dog Democrat since the autumn of 1960. Politics and baseball... as American as apple pie.





