Black & White and Cardinal Red All Over

Cheerleaders For Failure

March 2, 2009
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At one point during the Iraq War the republicans came up with an expression for anti-war democrats and liberals as one of their talking points. If I recall, that expression was Cheerleading for Failure. Funny the difference a few years makes in who is thought to be a cheerleader for failure. Now the cheerleader candidates are disgraced republican goon Tom DeLay and the leader of the out-of-power GOP Rush Tub-A-Lard. Both of these two are the new Cheerleaders For Failure.

Imagine wanting the leader of our country to fail during the most dire economic crisis we have faced since Hoover’s short-sighted policies plunged us into the Great Depression. Can you possibly be so partisan as to hope that the measures being taken do not succeed all because a Democrat came up with them? What could be more stupid, more selfish than this? I guess it’s the best we can expect from the massive egos of people like Rush and Tom DeLay who are caught up so deeply in their own egos and hype that they cannot conceive of anyone else having answers to the problems we face as a nation. If they are not NeoCon answers they don’t count in the small minds of these two buffoons.

You see, if President Obama answers the problems we face with solutions that these two losers do not approve of, it means they have been telling us lies all this time about the direction the country should be going. It means the last 30 years have been a tragic, misdirected journey into a political wilderness led by a two-bit actor on the verge of losing his mind who had a lot of charisma but very little common sense. The rejection of the policies that led us out of the disaster of the Republican lassiez-faire economic idiocy of the 1920′ & early 1930’s has proven to be wrong after all. It would mean that their oft-repeated but unsubstantiated mantra that this is a right-leaning country is not true and that the only policies that actually work are left-leaning ones. Rush and Tom could not stand the thought that their whole political philosophy and political lives were for nothing. They won’t go down without a fight.

Tom DeLay, the disgraced political manipulator who thinks nothing of cheating to win but hates when he loses a fair fight, jumped into this fray about failing even though as a “former” leader in the GOP he has no political standing or office to defend. He is just another rightwing loud mouth who represents the failed policies of exclusion, deregulation, excess, and steal everything that isn’t nailed down-ism that republicans of the last 30 years have been so proud of. Who better to come out and want a president to fail than a guy who supported the biggest failure in our nation’s history, George W. Bush. DeLay was there backing the Worst. President. Ever. 100% and without exception. We all see where that got us. DeLay wants Obama to fail so his own poor choice does not look so bad when the history is written.

One of the governors who was thinking about turning down some of the stimulus money disputed the notion that republicans want Obama to fail. Governor Sanford of South Carolina said that anyone who thought that way was an idiot. Even the usual way-out-there space cadet Pat Robertson said it was a “terrible thing to say.” Yet, Rush and Tom say they have the balls to say what no one else would dare say, that they want Obama to fail so their own ideas are justified. This isn’t the talk of idiots. It is the talk of America haters. UnAmerican rightwing haters. Just another term for NeoCons. I am left wondering…Why do NeoCons hate America so much?

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About author

A proud St. Louis Cardinals fan since 1959 as well as a committed, unreconstructed, Yellow Dog Democrat since the autumn of 1960. Politics and baseball... as American as apple pie.





