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Lamar Smith: The Texas Village Idiot

June 4, 2009
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“It is better to keep your mouth closed and let people think you are a fool than to open it and remove all doubt.” ~ Mark Twain

Violating this cardinal rule of politics is the ace in the hole for Lamar Smith, the republican idiot who represents the folks of the 21st District in Texas. Known for being one of the small NeoCon parrots in Texas, every now and then he spreads his wings to say something else stupid to get himself noticed on the national stage. He pandered to some guy from Project Runway and lined up his staff for a clothing inspection on one occasion. He famously used a ridiculous scenario to tell us that 99% of American would support waterboarding when 58% of American already said that they thought the procedure was torture. Now comes the icing on the manure cake Lamar has built up over the years.

Today, Lamar Smith went on some yo-yo’s show over on Fox News and declared what he thought was the greatest threat to America.

It wasn’t the wars in Iraq or Afghanistan.

It wasn’t global warming.

It wasn’t the economy and the billions of debt.

It wasn’t the mortgage or banking crises.

In wasn’t terrorism or extremist violence.

It wasn’t even torture and it’s NeoCon defenders.

Lamar Smith today declared the greatesn threat to America is…

Liberal media bias.

Are you shitting me? Is it still April Fool’s Day? No, it’s not and Mr Smith was totally serious. Liberal media bias is the greatest threat to America today. 

Lamar has begun a congressional caucus to promote media fairness. He said he wants the media to adhere to the highest standards of their profession and to encourage them to report the facts, not offer up their opinions. Yet he comes on Fox News to publicize that new caucus. He assumes that people are not getting the facts because they repudiated the negative campaign of John McCain last year and supported Obama’s message of hope. I wonder why he would choose Fox to announce this on since they are the most biased of all the cable channels. There isn’t one non-conservative host for any of their news programs. In fact, most of the shows on Fox can’t really be called news given the sensationalism they demonstrate. They are more accurately called entertainment. 

Maybe if three times as many Liberals were getting air time than conservatives I could see Lamar’s point but the opposite is true. Maybe if there were a channel dedicated to espousing the Liberal point of view then I could see his point but the opposite is true. Lamar Smith says this isn’t about censorship but when his side of the picture gets shown much more often than any other point of view and he still thinks that the problem is a Liberal Media bias, the problem isn’t media bias. The problem is a short-sighted NeoCon from Texas who wants it all his way and no one else’s way. George Bush used to feel that way but he’s gone. Lamar Smith has volunteered to take George’s place as the Texas Village Idiot. 

Congratulations, Lamar.


About author

A proud St. Louis Cardinals fan since 1959 as well as a committed, unreconstructed, Yellow Dog Democrat since the autumn of 1960. Politics and baseball... as American as apple pie.





