Black & White and Cardinal Red All Over

The Chimpy and Bubba Show

May 31, 2009
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I’m sitting here wondering what the hell has happened to Bubba. Bill Clinton used to be one of the sharpest pencils in the drawer when it came to American politics but, lately. it seems like Bubba has tossed out his pencil and gotten out his jumbo sized, 8-to-a-box crayons.

I first lost faith with Bill when he pulled the race card out while campaigning for Hillary in South Carolina last year. He says he didn’t do that but as a Southerner I can smell a race baiting comment a mile away. After all, I live in Texas, home to the most Kloset Klansmen in the nation. I see it all the time. Bubba’s stunt cost Hillary my support and I lost a great deal of respect for him as well. I thought he was better than that. I guess I was wrong.

Now comes this joint appearance with a fucking clown of a president that I can only describe as the Worst. President, Ever. Why is Bubba lending out what little he has left of his good name to be associated with the Texas Tool, the Village Idiot, Chimpy McFlightpants? God only knows. Is the fraternity of Former Presidents that strong that Bubba feels he has to reach out to the beleaguered and besieged NeoCon dorkwad wannabe Texan?

Some genius put together a joint appearance featuring Clinton and Bush and advertised it as a debate. They knew better than to try and pull off this charade in the USA so they took it north to Canada and bamboozled a few thousand folks there to cough up some Loonies to see these two sitting across from each other. What transpired was anything but a debate. It was a schmooze fest, a love-in, a farce of the first degree.

There were no fireworks. There weren’t ever sparklers. Instead what the Canadians got was a pile of bullshit from these two that was a classic P. T. Barnum act in all of its glory. They did answer questions but they spent the night defending each other. (I would be willing to bet that Chimpy still had his questions pre-screened just like he did when he was running the show.) Clinton’s association with the elder Bush from a number of charitable fund drives has rubbed off on Bubba to the point that the Bitch Of The Astrodome, Barbara Bush, thinks of Clinton as another son. Chimpy even went so far as to call Clinton “brother.” If that’s not the kiss of death for Bill Clinton and all his built up karma, I don’t know what is.

Now, Bubba still has his strong points given his stewardship of the economy into the longest winning streak in our history but the birds he has chosen to flock with leave a lot to be desired. I know he sees George Herbert Walker Bush as the father figure he never really had but, for Christ’s sake, this is a voluntary association, not a mandatory one. Transferring that affection to the man who did more to ruin America and American values than anyone in the past 30 years is beyond my comprehension. The wannabe Texans (who all hail from New England) have roped themselves a poll  ratings winner and they aren’t letting go anytime soon. What else will Bubba do for a buck?

Maybe that presidential fraternity needs some Greek letters to give it some authenticity. How about Sigma Upislon Beta? In English, that would be SYB which would stand for Screw You Buddy. I can certifiably state that Jimmy Carter will never be a member of this frat house. He’s got too much class.


About author

A proud St. Louis Cardinals fan since 1959 as well as a committed, unreconstructed, Yellow Dog Democrat since the autumn of 1960. Politics and baseball... as American as apple pie.





