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Poor George Bush: Still The Boy In The Bubble

June 22, 2009
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I came across this story and I was sure surprised at what was in it versus the version of the story that got more publicity. Let me explain.

There were two versions of the Bush speech in Erie, Pennsylvania story: one from the Washington Times and one from Fox News. Fox News used some of the reporting from AP but only bits and pieces. There is a third version that did not get as much air time as the others. Once you get to the unexpurgated story from AP, a little different picture emerges. Neither the Fox version or the WaTimes carried this little gem and I can see why:

The topic of Guantanamo Bay arose during a question-and-answer session, in which e-mailed or submitted questions were screened and chosen by a moderator during the event.

No wonder Fox did not come clean with this little gem. The Washington Times is obviously no better. This means that despite Bush’s proclamations about being a free man and getting on with his life, he’s still the Boy In The Bubble when it comes to facing the American public. Even a friendly audience like the one he spoke to in Erie before “a group of business leaders” is subject to have their questions screened in advance.

This is nothing new for George. He had questions screened for every public appearance while he was president. There was a time during a European trip where a group of school children was gathered to talk to him but he wouldn’t do it because his advance staff had no time to screen the high school students for anti-Bush sentiment or hostile questions. They cancelled the appearance over it.

George Bush was afraid not only of school children, the public at large but also the military. He wouldn’t answer any questions from the troops unless they were first submitted to their commanding officers and then the Bush advance team. Every softball question possible was asked because he had enough time in advance to memorize an answer and not get caught off guard like a deer in the headlights with a question he may not have a viable answer to.

I remember every president from JFK thru Clinton speaking off the cuff at public events and press conferences and whipping out cogent, intelligent responses. Even fucking Richard Nixon was pretty adept in handling the press and the public until Watergate broke. President Obama demonstrates the intelligence and quick-witted savvy that endears the people to a president. JFK had it. Reagan had it. Clinton had it. Obama certainly has it.

The only president in the last 50 years who sheltered himself from the slings and barbs that come with the job, the stuff that gets you in contact with the people of this country is the Boy In The Bubble: George Walker Bush.

Some things never change with that guy.


About author

A proud St. Louis Cardinals fan since 1959 as well as a committed, unreconstructed, Yellow Dog Democrat since the autumn of 1960. Politics and baseball... as American as apple pie.





