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The republican War On Women

March 9, 2012
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Well, now that the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan are off the front pages and almost forgotten by the public those war mongers on the right just can’t keep their finger off the proverbial trigger. After starting two wars they could not finish, they are now restarting an old war they lost once but now they want to have another go at it hoping the result will be different. That war is the War On Women.

Starting with the fight over legalized abortion, republicans all over the country are passing more restrictive laws that they hope will force more women to abandon plans to abort their fetuses and carry them to term. Of course, once they are born, they will instantly lose interest in their well being, but by then it’s too late anyway. Better an unwanted child living a possible life of misery than an aborted fetus. These republicans have come up with new and more intrusive methods of humiliating and then denying women the right to avail themselves of a legal procedure. The worst one is the vaginal probe in order to check for a fetal heartbeat. This onerous procedure is tantamount to of a government sponsored rape of the woman in question. It is a disgraceful requirement to say the least.

Many female legislators have responded to these draconian laws by proposing equally as intrusive laws for men wanting vasectomies, or desiring a viagra prescription, or even to classifying all sperm as potential human beings and criminalizing depositing them anywhere outside of a vagina. It is ironic to the max that republicans preached so long about getting government off their backs but are more than willing to invite them into their bedrooms or their loved ones’ vaginas.

What really provoked the renewed battle of this War On Women was this moron Rep Issa and his decision to hold a hearing about reproductive rights and the church where he invited religious leaders but no women. A woman who wanted to testify was then verbally raped by fat ass Rush Limbaugh who called her a slut and a prostitute. He ripped her for four days running and that caused a firestorm with his advertisers. He lost 40 of them in less than a week but was only the beginning of the ruckus. The fact that no major conservative players stood up and called this disgusting misogynist out on his personal attacks is all the more proof that this culture war, this War On Women is in full swing.

The result is that women all over the country got motivated to fight not only Congress and their radical ideas but also their local state legislators who are passing even more restrictive laws on matters of women’s health. They have had enough of these rightwingers using “religious freedom” and “personal responsibility” as an excuse for these wholesale attacks on women, their bodies, and their rights as Americans. This election in 2012, more than any other in recent history, will be a watershed for reproductive rights and women’s health issues. The republicans have already played their hand and they will get their asses handed to them in November like never before.

The sleeping giant which is the vote of the American woman has been awoken and, man, is she pissed.

About author

A proud St. Louis Cardinals fan since 1959 as well as a committed, unreconstructed, Yellow Dog Democrat since the autumn of 1960. Politics and baseball... as American as apple pie.





