Black & White and Cardinal Red All Over

Republican Hysteria Over Sotomayor

May 30, 2009
1 Comment

You can tell that republicans are on their last legs as a viable national entity by the absolute hysteria caused by the selection of Sonia Sotomayor to be on the Supreme Court. When John Cornyn turns out to be a solitary voice of reason amongst the lunacy of discombobulating rightwingers, you know you are up Shit Creek with no paddle, no canoe, and no life jacket to save your sorry asses. To mix a metaphor: you are toast.

I could see this level of mayhem if the hubbub was made over any of the court cases that Judge Sotomayor had ruled upon but it’s not. Nowhere close. This is all the penny ante crap that republicans think is important when it is clear they (1) haven’t read any of the court cases, (2) can’t find anything wrong with her decisions if they have read them, and (3) cannot bring themselves to admit that President Obama made a choice that will be confirmed without their approval making them irrelevant to the process. Their days as the power brokers for the country are over and they cannot deal with it so they whine and bitch like the pussy ass babies they really are.

Examples you say? You want examples? I gottem. Plenty of them.

The head of the rump republicans, Rush Fat Ass, called Sotomayor a “reverse racist.” I’m not sure what that means but if Rush said it, it’s not too good. It’s not truthful either but that’s nothing new. I think it means she is proud to be Latina and doesn’t think fat, white pricks like Rush are better than herself. I can see where he would be upset about that.

Glenn Beck, the fringe’s favorite Mormon, just called her a plain, everyday racist but given he also took her comments about her experience out of context, I’m not surprised that he came up with the “racist” tag for her since he is among the millions who haven’t read anything else about her career except that one line. Like a pit bull with rabies he isn’t letting go of that accusation because if he did it would mean he has to do his homework about her and that would mean actually thinking about her accomplishments. That, in and of itself, would defeat the purpose of smearing her name. Calling her “Hispanic chick lady” ranks right up there with the all-time classic stupid things he’s ever said.

Lou Dobbs, who seems to be afraid of every Hispanic since he climbed on the immigration bandwagon, said her appointment was pandering to Hispanics and women. If that’s the case, what was Clarence Thomas? Was he the smartest choice that Bush 41 could have made or the only black conservative he could find? Dobbs wasn’t real clear if he thought this pick alone was pandering to women and Hispanics or if Alito and Scalia were pandering to whites and Italians as well.

Newt Gingrich, not wanting to left out of the feeding frenzy, chimed in with his spin on the nomination. He landed with “Latina woman racist” which just about eliminates Latina women as a group that might support Gingrich’s presidential run in a couple of years, Again, his interpretation of Sotomayor’s language is wildly out-of-touch but self-immolation seems to be the republican operating procedure with this nomination.

Tom Tancredo, the one issue immigration specialist of the rightwingers, condemned her membership in La Raza and called La Raza the “Latino KKK without the hoods or nooses.” Are you kidding me? Did he just pull that out of his own ass or did he go to the city dump to find that pile of shit?

Karl Rove has thrown more than his two lousy cents in this all out attack as well. Besides saying she wasn’t that smart and smearing her name by using sexist terms to demean her gender with terms like “schoolmarm” and that she rules on “emotion” he went on to blast her for being “combative, opinionated, argumentative” while on the bench according to anonymous sources he just happened to find while scouring the bottom of the barrel. Anytime you rely on an anonymous source to blast someone you don’t like, you lose what little credibility you may have had. Aw, too late. Rove hasn’t had any since 1973.

Then comes the right’s favorite convicted felon, G. Gordon Liddy. He expresses his fear that she may make a ruling whilst in the midst of her menstrual cycle and the mess we would be in if that happened. He also thought she was a racist because he thinks that La Raza means “The Race” (which it doesn’t) but that never stopped Liddy from saying or doing stupid things. One word proves it: Watergate. Pat Buchanan chimed in with his bullshit flavored sucker punch saying that she was the “Affirmative Action candidate” because no white males were in the final group for Obama to choose from. Pat can’t let go of that Nixon influence no matter how hard he tries.

The Center For Immigration Studies sent their own class clown over to join in the “fun” the fringers were having. Mark Krikorian was bent out of shape because Sotomayor puts the emphasis in pronouncing her name on the last syllable. He thought she ought to change her name to blend in better with the whiteys who used to run America. Yeah. Blend in. Just like you did, Mr Krikorian.

This is a full-fledged Piranha Party of the first degree. I hope it goes on for a while because folks might forget the irresponsible shit slinging come 2010 when republicans will be begging to be placed back in charge of Congress. Women and Hispanics will not soon forget how rightwingers lost it over the appointment of Sonia Sotomayor. I just hope the rest of us don’t forget it either so we can finally put the last piece of Richard Nixon’s Southern Strategy into place by making the republican party the party of the Old South and no where else.

One last shot. This one is probably the most honest and insightful reason ever given for opposing Judge Sotomayor’s appointment to the Supreme Court. When David Shuster asked Judicial Watch’s Tom Fitton, “What evidence do you have that she would put her feelings and politics above the rule of law?” he replied simply, “Because President Obama chose her.”

Need I say more?

About author

A proud St. Louis Cardinals fan since 1959 as well as a committed, unreconstructed, Yellow Dog Democrat since the autumn of 1960. Politics and baseball... as American as apple pie.





