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Liberty University Crushes Free Speech

June 4, 2009
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Despite claims to the contrary, the Jerry Falwell founded university is managing to crush the very free speech they claim to be supporting and in favor of. Obviously, that “free speech” only goes to speech that the University agrees with.

Take for example the Liberty University Democratic Club. After first allowing the club at this arch conservative school, school officials turned around and closed the club down. They claimed that the Democratic Party was not in synch with the values supported by the university. So, your free speech is restricted and your right to associate is also terminated by a school that claims to be an institute of higher learning. I don’t think so.

The republican party club at the university is still in place despite the real party being a haven for crooks, pedophiles, gays, political hacks of every sort, and racists. Association with those folks must be OK because Jerry Falwell said so. The fact that the GOP supports the same agenda that the university supports seems to be the key here. Banning gay marriage, prayer in the schools, and banning abortion are all hot issues for the rightwingers and only republicans have the wherewithal to accomplish those goals. Has anyone told them that despite the GOP having complete control of Congress for more that five years during the early 2000’s they failed to enact a solitary piece of the rightwing’s puzzle

The tragedy here is how the young people who did join the Democratic Club are now without a place to go and they have learned the tough lesson: Christians cannot be Democrats. Even though you may have the calling, if you seek to understand any of the myriad of viewpoints that are not on the college’s approved list, you will not get far. Even if Jesus himself was a Democrat instead of  just the Son Of God, Liberty University would ban the apostles from breaking bread or meeting together. Some Christianity you all are preaching there. Why did I expect anything differently from someone named Falwell?

About author

A proud St. Louis Cardinals fan since 1959 as well as a committed, unreconstructed, Yellow Dog Democrat since the autumn of 1960. Politics and baseball... as American as apple pie.





