Black & White and Cardinal Red All Over

Don’t Take The Money

February 18, 2009
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Don’t take the money.

That’s my advice to all of the GOP Congressmen who will now get funds for shovel ready projects in their home districts and home states thanks to President Obama’s stimulus program you voted against. Stick with your small government principles. Refuse to take the money for the projects that will be putting your constituents back to work. Tell Washington and the President, “Thanks, but no thanks. The principles that made me vote against those projects will not allow me to support the programs they are funding in my district/home state so we will be returning the money to the Treasury.”

What do you want to bet that this will not happen? I bet you the over-priced mortgage on my house that every creepy, loud-mouthed rightwinger who proclaimed the advent of socialism or big government giveaways in the days before the stimulus passed will take that money like a newborn takes to the tit. It is the hypocrisy of every NeoCon republican in Congress and the Senate as well as most of the republican governors who talked the talk about “tax cuts” but will take stimulus money with a smile and an open hand.

Not a peep from Rush Tub-a-lard or Bill-o about refusing the money. Nothing from the usually vocal House leadership of Boehner and Cantor. Silence. The screw is turning, though.

Funny (not really) how none of the House republicans voted for the stimulus but already some of them are back in their districts taking credit for the good works promised in the legislation. The same thing happened back in 1993 with Bill Clinton at the helm. He passed a stimulus bill with no republican help, they predicted doom and gloom, and then turned around and claimed credit for the 1990’s boom years. This time around they are issuing press releases gloating over the new projects funded by the stimulus while the leadership is crowing about shutting down the vote and unanimously voting against the package. They illegally co-opted Aerosmith to do it and were proud of it. They truly have no pride and even less sense. 

Both the Senate shitheads from Texas voted against it, Cornball and Huckabuck as did the congressman who supposedly represents my district, Lameass Lamar. I hope we don’t see any of the stimulus money here in Texas because these three think we can pull out of this fiscal crisis on tax cuts alone and I want to see that for myself. I want to see unicorns, jackalopes, and huge piles of lottery money on my front porch, too, but something tells me I won’t see any of this happening anytime soon.

What’s truly amazing is that now they are crying about how there was no bipartisanship involved in this bill. What lying sacks of shit. They got tax cuts while infrastructure was tossed aside and they were even offered a seat at the table but swatted it aside for the sake of ideological purity and now have the nerve to state that the President did not act in a bipartisan manner. Fortunately, the public isn’t buying this lie and no one except their base and the hoptoads on the radio are repeating it.

For the last time: if you are a republican Congressjerk or Senator that voted against the bill, refuse the money. If you are a republican governor who didn’t want to support the stimulus, don’t allow any of the money to fund projects in your state. Please. Stick by those vaunted republican principles. If you do, there will be more money for the rest of the country that does want it. We’ll include you in on the next round (if needed) and you vote for it.

About author

A proud St. Louis Cardinals fan since 1959 as well as a committed, unreconstructed, Yellow Dog Democrat since the autumn of 1960. Politics and baseball... as American as apple pie.





