Black & White and Cardinal Red All Over

Throw The Fat Bastard In Jail

March 5, 2009
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Karl Rove is playing hardball with Congress and he’s winning. He’s delayed, denied, and danced around Congressional subpoenas for months now claiming executive privilege. No court has ever recognized the reach of executive privilege that Rove is trying to claim and if this winds up going to court he’ll be compelled to testify. Then, he’ll come up with some other bullshit excuse not to tell Congress what it wants to know. He’s Karl Rove after all, a weasel in human clothing. 

Even if Congress managed to get him to testify, chance are that he will lie his fat ass off. He’s lied for his entire political career and once he accepted the talking head position at Faux News, he had an even bigger platform to spread those lies. I doubt he can recognize the truth from a lie he’s been doing it so often. As a Lee Atwater protege, he’s earned his colors a hundred times over.

I’m not going to go into cataloging all the lies that he’s told over the years because this isn’t the Karl Rove is a Liar blog but, trust me, there’s enough of them that it could be done even with daily entries that did not repeat themselves over the life of the blog. George Bush was fine with the lies and even got into the act himself after he saw how effective they were at fooling most of the American people. After a time, though, people start to catch on and you get hung with the Liar label and it sticks. The rightwingers did it with Bill Clinton and now Liberals returned the favor with Rove, Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Gonzales, and a few thousand others. That payback was a real bitch.

Rove has agreed to show up before the House Judiciary Committee according to Chairman John Conyers as long as he does not have to testify about conversations he had with Bush about anything. That’s OK. We’ll let Rove be the fall guy and knock over all the other pins under him. Bush’s day is coming in a War Crimes trial over in the Hague and he’ll need all his energies for that. Conyers is small potatoes compared to that.

Only one problem with Rove testifying: telling the truth. Will committee members be up on the events of the time to see the lies as they roll out of his fat mouth or will he slip them a NeoCon story and have them buy into it just like they have in the past? Will the Committee allow sufficient time for members to ask probing, in depth questions or will this be a rush job? Will Rove re-appear at a future date if the Chairman deems that he needs to answer more questions than they have time for? 

What happens if Rove tries to hide everything behind Bush? Will the chairman use the all-too-little used power of the Chair to call in Capital Police and arrest the fat bastard right there in the committee chamber and lead him off to the prison cell in the basement of the Capital? Probably not but we can dream, can’t we? I’d bet it would sure make Don Siegelman’s day.


About author

A proud St. Louis Cardinals fan since 1959 as well as a committed, unreconstructed, Yellow Dog Democrat since the autumn of 1960. Politics and baseball... as American as apple pie.





