Black & White and Cardinal Red All Over

Jindal The Liar

March 5, 2009
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It appears that Bobby Jindal, the guy who is being hailed as the new blood of the republican party, isn’t really so different from the old blood of the republican party.  He certainly sounds the same as the old blood when he talks about how tax cuts will set us free. He ignores the simple fact that tax cuts starve the government of funds to pay for the social programs that people want but who’s quibbling about the little things? He speaks of creating jobs under republican rule when the last republican guy was notorious for losing jobs or sending them overseas and then doing nothing about it. Jindal talks about doing what’s right for the people but he supports the very programs that benefitted big businesses at the expense of “the people.”

I first had a problem with Jindal when I discovered that he no longer uses his ‘real’ first name anymore. You know, the Indian one he was born with. Instead he uses his self-chosen nickname “Bobby.” Is it because the rightwingers he hangs out with would have as much difficulty with that foreign sounding name as they had with the Kenyan name carried by our current president? Well, maybe it’s why he won’t go back to that name anytime soon. Jindal picked up the name Bobby from the doofus ass kid from the Brady Bunch, a show I’m proud to say I did not watch during it’s prime time run. This just clinches the deal for me with this guy but it was what he did on prime time after the president’s speech that should clinch it for the rest of America.

Here’s what really convinces me that Jindal is no different than every other rightwing hack that came down the old Radical Right Turnpike: he cannot tell the truth when it counts. He responded to Barack Obama’s address to Congress with a speech that was written with help from the RNC and other republican operatives. Someone, probably Jindal himself, slipped in this whopper and no one caught it. The whole nation heard him tell it and it wasn’t true. None of it.

You know the part where he talked about how he stood shoulder to shoulder during Katrina with a local Democratic sheriff who was trying to rescue people stranded an their rooftops by battling the local bureaucracy who was trying to stop them? Great story only it didn’t happen that way. Jindal wasn’t there and he heard about the sheriff days later and merely co-opted the story to make himself look good. Jindal never battled the bureaucracy during Katrina. Is this story going to make people see that the bureaucracy is bad and, like the GOP always claimed, that government is the problem? I don’t think so. They are going to see that people who make up stories to try and counter the truth is the bigger problem.

So is the whole point of Jindal’s story that government bureaucracy is bad and is it just one big urban myth, a fable, a concoction, a bald-faced lie? Yep. Told by the new, shining star of the GOP. He’s just like the last new shining star of the GOP from back in 2000 (the guy who’s brother stole the election in Florida which gave him the White House, that shining star). Here comes the new boss, same as the old boss. We won’t get fooled again.

It’s real simple to see why people do not trust republicans anymore. They are liars thru and thru.



About author

A proud St. Louis Cardinals fan since 1959 as well as a committed, unreconstructed, Yellow Dog Democrat since the autumn of 1960. Politics and baseball... as American as apple pie.





