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Hypocrisy Watch: Rick Perry vs. Kay Bailey Hutchison | July 27, 2009

Texas has a real fine collection of politicians who fit the description of “total and complete idiot.” On any given day it’s hard to decide which one is the most asinine one. They have contributed mightily to the ignorant discourse that is standard for republicans here in Texas. Today we’re going to ignore the idiot who said that it would be a million years before Al Franken would be seated as a Senator in the United States Senate. It’s pretty hard to top that but it’s been done. Instead, we’ll concentrate on the other two prominent imbeciles: Rick Perry and Kay Bailey Hutchison.

Rick Perry started this stupidity a few months ago when he said that he would refuse to accept the stimulus money because he didn’t like the strings attached to the money. He did not like the fact that the money would go to the state’s unemployed and that it would increase their benefits. He even went so far as to suggest that he may look at taking Texas out of the Union over the issue. It created a big hubbub and Perry backed down real quick. The talk of secession over the issue of state’s rights struck a chord with all the rightwing bigots and fringe nutjobs and got Perry some publicity in a year when he may be facing some stiff opposition in the primary. So, refuse the money he did.

A few weeks ago, Mr Perry had to swallow some huge amounts of crow when he came begging to Uncle Barack Sam for a loan of $170 million dollars to pay into the unemployment fund. Seems like it was going to go broke without the infusion of cash. There were two problems with that request: (1) he could have had that money for free if he would have accepted the stimulus money and (2) this loan he’ll have to pay back with interest. For all the political posturing and talk of secession, dumbshit Mr Perry just cost the state of Texas untold millions of dollars by appealing to the stupid redneck branch of his party. Sad to say, the story does not end there.

Enter the possible opposition for Rick Perry in the upcoming governor’s race, Kay Bailey Hutchison. She starts screeching about Perry hypocrisy in turning down the stimulus money and condemning him for taking out the loan to salvage his mistake. Here comes the fun part: SHE VOTED AGAINST THE VERY STIMULUS SHE’S BLASTING PERRY FOR NOT ACCEPTING. How much sense does that make? She’s trying to have it both ways hoping that the people of the state do not remember that she cast her vote against the stimulus package that slowed down the descent into the depths of George Bush’s recession. Some of us have memories like elephants even if the party of the elephants doesn’t.

The media here in Texas loves all these idiots and would never print stuff that blasts these two (and all the others) for their ignorant ways and stupid actions. That’s OK. Those of us not afixed with glazed eyes to Fox News or any of the rightwing newspapers that call Texas home can go online and find out what is happening in our own state even if the local press doesn’t cover it. Rick Perry and Kay Bailey Hutchison: two big republican hypocrites. I hope Texas can do better come election day 2009 and toss both these numbskulls out of office.

About author

A proud St. Louis Cardinals fan since 1959 as well as a committed, unreconstructed, Yellow Dog Democrat since the autumn of 1960. Politics and baseball... as American as apple pie.





