Black & White and Cardinal Red All Over

The Noose Is Tightening | July 20, 2009

As more and more information comes out about the actions of Chimpy George and his trusty NeoCon sidekick Dick Dungeon Master, it becomes clearer and clearer that these two operated above the law and without regard to the Constitution or its laws. Now that they can no longer use the power of the White House to cover up their foul deeds, by drips and dribbles the truth is leaking out and a clearer picture is forming as to the violations of common decency, international law and our own principles that these two undertook in the name of security. All these actions did was to reinforce the lawlessness that NeoCons like Cheney would allow in the pursuit of their goals.

Fear was the primary motivator for Cheney. Once he was infected with this bug, it was only a matter of time before the simple minded George blindly followed suit. The latest revelation came when we discovered that the CIA did in fact lie to Congress about a number of different things but mainly they lied about an assassination program that they planned to create. This program was intended to circumvent the laws that the Church Commission passed back in the 1970’s which is the last time the CIA was outed for their sundry misdeeds. Assassination of foreign leaders was prohibited back then and the CIA has chafed about it ever since. They saw how the Israelis hunted down and killed everyone responsible for the murder of their Olympic athletes during the 1972 Olympic Games and they longed for the power/capability to do the same to the Taliban, AQ, and others we don’t like in response to 9/11. Trouble was, unlike the program the Israelis put together, this program never took off. It never even got past the planning stages. So much for avenging our losses, eh? Just maybe NeoCon balls aren’t as big as the bluster is.

One thing stood in the CIA’s way to create this program: the law. It’s a hard thing to deal with in a society based on following a Constitution and legal restrictions passed by a representative body. This did not stop Dick Cheney or Donald Rumsfeld during the 1970’s when they told the CIA to lie to the Congress/members of the Church Commission in order to hide their deeds/misdeeds from the light of day. Now, early in the Bush administration, Dick Dungeon Master was at it again and told the CIA not to tell Congress about his secret assassination squad plans. Cheney had no legal authority to order the CIA to do anything. Only the President has that power but Cheney did it regardless. This ought to tell historians who held the real power in this past administration and it wasn’t Texas Chimpy.

Between Bush’s admission of war crimes in authorizing torture to be used against enemy detainees, the secret CIA jails they were kept in, the extraordinary rendition that got them there and Cheney’s conduct with respect to the CIA as well as his circumvention of the law, we have a couple of real fine examples of republicans in action. They seem to think that the law does not apply to them and until they are brought to court to face the power of the law, they are correct.

President Obama, you may want to go forward but if you ignore where we just were then you will soon lose direction as well. Bringing people to justice that have violated the law is an American principle that never gets old, never goes out of style and is not too late to act upon.


About author

A proud St. Louis Cardinals fan since 1959 as well as a committed, unreconstructed, Yellow Dog Democrat since the autumn of 1960. Politics and baseball... as American as apple pie.





