Black & White and Cardinal Red All Over

Perry, Ventura, Hannity, and Cornyn | May 24, 2009

Rick Perry has done it again. He has decided to make a fool of himself once more in front of everybody. This time it has to do with the stimulus money. No, he’s not turning it down like he said he would. Instead, he’s decided to take $11 million of it to fix up the governor’s mansion which was damaged by an arsonist a while back. Wasn’t this the same guy that made such a stink about accepting $500 million of that stimulus cash to help out the state’s unemployed but now he’ll take some of that cabbage to fix up his house? Where are the tea-baggers now? How come they aren’t complaining about this abuse of federal funding? (The answer is the tea-baggers are only interested in complaining about Barack Obama, not Rick Perry’s hypocrisy.) I guess talk of seceding from the Union is only secondary to getting your crib up to speed, eh?


Sean “The Manatee” Hannity has proven himself to be an outright asswipe. About a month ago he was chiming in that waterboarding wasn’t torture and proceeded to volunteer to have himself waterboarded for a military charity. Then he promptly backed away from the challenge as soon as someone took him up on it namely Keith Olbermann. KO said he would put up $1000 for every second that Hannity could take the punishment. Hannity went silent on the issue drawing considerable ridicule and failing to answer the self-imposed challenge. 

A number of things happened as a result:

(1) Some rightwing talker actually volunteered to be waterboarded because he claimed that it wasn’t torture. He lasted less than ten seconds before he quit and admitted it was torture. KO gave the cash he offered in Hannity’s case to this guy’s charity instead. 

(2) Jesse Ventura offered to waterboard Hannity (since he had endured this very tactic as a part of his SEAL training and knew what it was like). He promised that if he did waterboard Hannity he would get him to admit that Obama was the greatest president. This is pretty amusing and right in line with the fact that torture techniques never get admissions of truth but rather get fantasy admissions just to get the torture to stop.

(3) It got Hannity to shut up about torture. Thank God for small favors.


Finally, we get to Senator Cornball aka John Cornyn. He doesn’t like how the last election turned out and he’s not going to take it lying down. President Obama issued a statement that said, as per tradition, he would be consulting with the Texas House delegation concerning any judicial appointments from Texas since neither Senator is a Democrat. Cornball, used to getting his own way with the Bushbot Administration, refuses to be by-passed in this process even though he’s no longer a part of it. 

Cornball and Kay Bailey Huckabuck, the two bozos who speak for Texas in the Senate, got used to screening those appointments with their committee made up of rightwing legal heads. The Congressional Research Office made the tradition clear when they issued a statement granting the highest ranking officials of the president’s own party that privilege instead of the Bozo Brigade. 

So, now I’m left to wonder is Cornball really that clueless to think he’s going to be part of the process merely by virtue of the fact that he’s a Senator or is he just that fucking arrogant? Either way, he’s shit-outta-luck come appointment time. Given his track record, he’ll put a hold on the appointment and show the rest of the country that Rick Perry isn’t the only elected idiot in the state of Texas. What a great state we live in.


About author

A proud St. Louis Cardinals fan since 1959 as well as a committed, unreconstructed, Yellow Dog Democrat since the autumn of 1960. Politics and baseball... as American as apple pie.





