Black & White and Cardinal Red All Over

Rick Perry, The Idiocy Continues | April 28, 2009

First, he comes out and bashes the Stimulus because it would make Texas treat it’s working class a little more humanely. Then, the brings up talk of seceding from the union because things aren’t going the way he wants them to and he cannot give marching orders to Washington the way he did when his former boss Chimpy McFlightpants was in office. Nevermind that talk of secession still has real strong ties to the discredited Confederacy and their desire to build a society on the enslavement of black people. They couch it in talk of States Rights nowdays but no one is fooled except those who choose to believe that the South seceded after Lincoln became President because they didn’t like the jib of his sail. They knew their days for owning slaves were numbered. I wonder sometimes how old Honest Abe would feel about his Republican Party being the home of some of the most audacious liars ever imagined, some of the most hateful racists, and people who preach secession when they cannot win in the battlefield of ideas?

That tune changed pretty damn quickly as soon as word of a new swine flu rearing its ugly head in Mexico. A bunch of people took ill and some even died. Now, there cases springing up in Texas and Mr Perry is all too comfortable asking the hated Feds for doses of medicine they have in store for situations just like this. If Texas were an independent nation, we’d have to be digging into our own pockets to pay for that medicine and too fucking bad if you are poor, have no health insurance, or are a Union sympathizer. Seems like that suggestion about seceding from the Union was a bit premature. Let’s get one more handout from the federal government before we introduce articles of secession into the Texas Legislature.

Rick Perry is trying to hold on to his job with this nonsense and half the republicans in Texas actually think leaving the United States is a good thing and they are in favor of it. Are you serious? Yep. I sure am. My hope in this regard is simple: Perry rallies the racists and good-old-boys to his side in the primary fight and the Democratic candidate comes along and kicks his sorry ass out of Austin on a high speed train.

Kay Bailey Hutchison is talking up a gubernatorial race against him which is fine by me. If she runs and loses the primary, she’ll be damaged goods for 2012 and we may be able to return some sanity to Texas politics with these two idiots hitting the bricks. But let’s not get ahead of ourselves: first things first. Let’s nip this racist idiot talk about leaving the Union in the bud. It’s the most unAmerican thing I’ve heard of in decades. It ranks right up there with book censorship, race baiting cops, and torturing people in our custody. Dumping Perry for this kind of a comment should be seen as the same kind of payback as George Allen suffered in Virginia for his “macaca” comment a few years ago and the failure of governor Clement to shake Ann Richard’s hand after a joint appearance It made them look like shallow bigots, which, of course, they were and the image stuck. It would be nice to stick this one to Rick Perry.

About author

A proud St. Louis Cardinals fan since 1959 as well as a committed, unreconstructed, Yellow Dog Democrat since the autumn of 1960. Politics and baseball... as American as apple pie.





