Black & White and Cardinal Red All Over

Those Secret Memos | March 8, 2009

The Obama Administration has released up-til-now secret memos that were used to circumvent the law by wrongdoers in the bizarro world of the Chimpster (the Bush Administration). In an attempt to be open and transparent, the memos were made public. What this did was to reveal the perfidy of the NeoCons who thought they were at the vanguard of the creation of a permanent republican majority and who could lay out their plans on paper but in secret. This desire to document how they perverted the law and all that is upstanding and American is the same desire to document that sank claims of innocence by members of the Third Reich. Their film crews and excessive documentation laid out their crimes to the world with the overthrow of the Thousand Year Reich after only twelve years. The run of the Chimpster was eight long years and I am sure there are more secrets to come that will show how Dick Cheney, John Yoo, David Addington, Karl Rove, and thousands of others corrupted the government for their own nefarious purposes and the benefit of their favored cronies.

The most sinister of these memos was one that allowed the president to claim the authority to use the American military as a police force against our own citizens if the persons being pursued were deemed to be terrorists by the president. Martial law anyone? Isn’t that the definition of law under military control with a strongman dictating what was allowable? The true aims of the NeoCons Bush brought with him to the government could not be more clear. Now they will tell you that it was to be used to fight only terrorists but King George made that same claim against American rebels back in the 1700s. Was George Washington a terrorist? How about Thomas Jefferson or Sam Adams or Benjamin Franklin? Certainly, King George would have hung them by the neck had he been able to catch them after the fighting started in 1776 and he would have used British troops to accomplish that feat.

This same memo written by the so-called legal scholar John Yoo allowed subordination of the First and Fourth Amendments by stretching the tasks of the military to pursuit of terrorists and gave the president expanded powers to do almost anything he wanted to with no restrictions at all. John Yoo’s America sounds very much like George Orwell’s 1984. In reality, NeoCons like Yoo need very little justification to strip away the liberties our Founding Fathers fought for especially if those liberties expose the blackhearted and vile nature of the authors of those secret memos. In their America, all “right thinking Americans” think alike and those that don’t must hate America. We all are getting to see who really hates the freedoms that America is famous for and as more memos are revealed in the coming months it should be set in stone forever that the Bushbots and lying NeoCons are the true haters here.


About author

A proud St. Louis Cardinals fan since 1959 as well as a committed, unreconstructed, Yellow Dog Democrat since the autumn of 1960. Politics and baseball... as American as apple pie.





