Black & White and Cardinal Red All Over

The Karl Rove Hypocrisy Parade | March 7, 2009

What a hypocritical sack of NeoCon shit this punk is. This guy seems to think that we have no collective memory about the past and that when he gets on the NeoCon Network of choice and starts whipping out his BS that somehow history will disappear and his words of today will replace what he has spewed for years. Sorry, Bucko, but it doesn’t work that way. The latest in the litany of lies came a few days ago when Rove pontificated that the White House was politicizing the controversy surrounding his butt-buddy Rush Tub-A-Lard. Infuckingcredible! 

He went on TV and started whining that the Obama White House was reverting to the 1990’s style of politics practiced by Bill Clinton where surveys and focus groups determined what policies and strategies were employed. He claimed that Clinton did this for political expediency and not for the best best interests of the nation. He went on to say that “we” grew to dislike this style of politics. You mean as opposed to the style of politics that Rove practiced in the 1990’s? As opposed to the Lee Atwater slash and burn politics where everyone is fair game and no smear or unsubstantiated rumor is beneath repeating? Yeah, Fat Boy, tell us about your Come To Jesus moment that allows you to be sanctimonious on your little TV interview segments whilst ignoring the vile crap you have peddled your entire political career. Infuckingcredible!

Rove has a marvelous way of ignoring history, facts, and reality when it doesn’t serve his NeoCon talking points. Let’s start with his bashing of Bubba. Rove did not like the fact that Bubba used focus groups or surveys to determine what direction he wanted to go because NeoCons like himself never ask anybody what they should do. They have their “fuck them all” philosophy to go on andi nothing else matters. Asking people their opinions about policy matters or issues? What? Are you kidding? No wonder Rove and his ilk hated Bubba. How dare he! That “we” shit about politics in the 1990’s applied only to NeoCons who could not stand the fact that, even in the middle of being impeached, Clinton had better ratings than Congressional republicans and every NeoCon you could name. They have never gotten over it. Infuckingcredible!

Rove seems to think we have forgotten about his own involvement with the Chimpster’s campaign for governor in Texas in 1994 where he was behind the scurrilous push poll that alleged that Ann Richards was a lesbian. He seems to think that his nasty racially inflammatory allegations that sank John McCain’s campaign in 2000 have been forgiven and forgotten. He wants us to gloss over the flyers he put together attacking a candidate’s family that he thought were a legitimate tactic to use in campaigning. Rove wants us to ignore the dirty tricks and underhandedness that have marked American politics in the last two decades that he has been directly responsible for when he spouts this utter nonsense on national TV hoping that he can smear Obama with the same broad brush that he’s smeared everybody else with. Infuckingcredible!

Rove claimed that by going after Rush Tub-A-Lard that the Obama administration was somehow attempting to refocus our attention on that worthless pile of rat meat that is the Tub-A-Lard and not on the issues facing our country. He wants us to think that Obama is obsessing over Tub-A-Lard when the economy is in the ditch, unemployment is increasing, infrastructure is crumbling and hundreds of other things are looking bad after eight years of Rove-Bush-Cheney misadministration. Is he kidding? No, he’s not. He’s just lying just like he always does. Infuckingcredible!

I’m not going to go into all the thousands of ways that, as political operative with a White House job, that Rove politicized an entire presidential administration including corrupting the US Attorneys’ office, endangering women’s health, circumventing environmental regulations, and going after Democratic office holders as a matter of course. Even the former mouthpiece for Chimpster’s presidency (Scott McClellan) was astonished at how political it all was and how it seemed like the campaign of 2000 never ended once they got into the White House. President Obama has a grip on what ails us and is busting his ass to fix everything the NeoCons broke over the last eight years and Rove cannot handle that Democrats are better at governing than NeoCons ever could dream to be. So what was Rove complaining about again? Whiny bullshit, that’s what. Infuckingcredible!

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About author

A proud St. Louis Cardinals fan since 1959 as well as a committed, unreconstructed, Yellow Dog Democrat since the autumn of 1960. Politics and baseball... as American as apple pie.





