Black & White and Cardinal Red All Over

Cheerleaders For Failure, follow up | March 4, 2009

The chorus of Cheerleaders For Failure grows louder and louder as the days go by. One after another, republican leaders are falling into line behind the unelected, polarizing new leader of the GOP, Rush Tub-A-Lard Limbaugh. In what is truly an amazing transformation, republicans are kowtowing to this mouthpiece, this quasi-entertainer, and abandoning rightfully elected leaders in the process. They, in turn, are joining the lemmings in following Rush off the cliff in his Cheerleading For Failure campaign. Imagine if the tables were turned and Democrats would have declared that they wanted Ronnie Ray-gun to fail after he became president… can you hear the howls of “traitor” or “unAmerican” or “communists” from the rightwingers? Thankfully, Democrats have more sense than to demonize these morally deficient republicans even more than they are doing to themselves. They are the funeral directors, pall bearers, and deceased all rolled into one.

Rahm Emanuel hit the nail on the head when he said that Rush is the leader of the party now and they all run to him with apologies when they “accidentally” speak out of turn or actually tell the truth about something Rush said. What’s even more stunning is the willingness for this rump of NeoCon radicals to blatantly put party and political partisanship ahead of the country and recovering from the disaster that their policies put us all in. The one bright note in all of this is that the American people finally get it; they see the politicization of policy that NeoCons and Bushbots have been perpetrating for years now. President Obama’s support is even higher now than it was when he took office. Take that.

Let’s see who has fallen into line in perfect lockstep with the Tub-A-Lard since we left you a couple of days ago. Rick Santorum has joined the chorus. Nothing like a rousted Senator who can’t carry his own water to become Rush’s waterboy just to get his name back into the spotlight. Conversely, the new chair of the RNC automatically has the spotlight but that hasn’t seemed to help him any. Michael Steele has joined up as well even though he keeps flip-flopping around alternating between telling the truth and then apologizing for doing so. If it wasn’t clear that Rush Tub-A-Lard is the new head of the GOP then why does Steele keep apologizing to him for bashing him in public? Good question. 

Jonah Goldberg, the know nothing radical rightwing blogger has served up his Toadiness to the Tub-A-Lard. He hates the direction that America has chosen in the last election so he wants failure to come as quickly as possible. He must have some kind of audience but I never heard of him until Keith Olbermann lambasted him for something incredibly stupid he advocated in last year’s election and was named a Worst Person in the World for his trouble. All I really know about him is that he is an idiot, a typical republican. Speaking of idiots, we cannot forget Michelle Malkin, every hardliners favorite non-white radical. She fears that the crony capitalism, lax regulation, fiscal irresponsibility, and moral shortcomings will all disappear under President Obama and leave nothing for her radical classmates to cling to. Another Cheerleader For Failure is born.

Rep. Mike Pence (R-IN) — the Chairman of the House republican Caucus — was outed yesterday on CNN. He tried to squirm out of admitting that he was another Cheerleader For Failure but the interviewer put it to him and made him confess. They won’t come out and admit that it would be bad for the country if Obama failed in trying to rescue us from this republican created disaster just like they won’t admit that advocating tax cuts are a backhanded way to smother entitlement programs and deny infrastructure money to states. When the leader of the republican caucus becomes a Cheerleader then it is pretty clear that the whole party is in Tub-A-Lard’s camp and only moderate republicans are seeing the forest as well as the trees.

What ails America is the NeoCon philosophy that allowed unregulated markets to flourish (where greedy motherfuckers can come up with financial schemes to rip people off with no consequences), starting but never finishing two wars, insuring bad investment deals that had no business being made in the first place, and then curtailing credit even after taxpayer money was made available to help with credit lines are just the thing to drive the country’s economic health all to hell and gone. Republicans do not care about the people who are suffering, losing their jobs, homes, and health care, because if they did they would have proposed some legislation to do something about it instead of trying to tell us that the “market” will right itself if we are patient. The only thing that I will be patient about is slowly watching the GOP fall under the sway of a guy who is nothing more than an entertainer, a comedian, while they all pretend it’s all OK. The transition by republicans from following a president who was a joke to following a pompous buffoon who is a joke is almost complete and quite satisfying.


About author

A proud St. Louis Cardinals fan since 1959 as well as a committed, unreconstructed, Yellow Dog Democrat since the autumn of 1960. Politics and baseball... as American as apple pie.





