Black & White and Cardinal Red All Over

Governor Jindal Takes The Bait | February 22, 2009

Well, finally! A NeoCon with some testicular fortitude who is willing to leave his fellow citizens high and dry by refusing to accept money from the Obama stimulus plan. A lot of rightwingers whined and bitched about how much the plan would cost and said it went against their conservative principles to have the government step in and save the free market or to allow the government to have a more active role in growing the economy but none of them were willing to make a principled stand, no matter how ridiculous that stand would appear to be. Until now.

Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal has declared that he wasn’t going to take some of the stimulus because it went contrary to Louisiana law. It doesn’t make much difference that the law it goes against actually hurts the people of Louisiana and Jindal’s refusal means that his people would not get the full effect of the stimulus. That makes no difference at all because, to a NeoCon like Jindal, the dogma of the party is more important than the people they supposedly serve. 

Jindal is being set up to be the next GOP star because he repeats the rightwing talking points and he isn’t a white guy. The republicans have hungered to get people of color out in front of their elephant parade since JC Watts retired from Congress years ago. They elected Mike Steele as their RNC chairperson and he’s as good as Jindal in repeating the talking points that the base wants to hear. One small problem: the people of America rejected those failed philosophies in the last two elections because of the damage it was doing to our economy, our reputation and the people that live here. There are, of course, pockets of support for this radical rump party but they are shrinking as we speak.

Jindal is also slated to give the GOP response to Obama’s address to the joint session of Congress this coming Tuesday. It will further highlight the simple fact that republicans have come to realize that ignoring the other colors of Americans has its risks. Conversely, showing us that two minorities have swallowed the NeoCon line isn’t very convincing either (three if you count Alan Keyes). 

What is totally amusing is that Arnold Schwarzenegger has stated that California would gladly take the refused stimulus money. Rick “Balls Of Jello” Perry of Texas, Mark “Screw The People” Sanford of South Carolina, and Haley “Convicted Felon” Barbour of Mississippi haven’t said if they will co-operate with Arnold’s suggestion or if they will wait for the hubbub to die down and take the stimulus money after all. Chances are that when the press coverage dies down each and every governor will take every penny they can get and take credit for getting the whole thing passed the next time they run for re-election. NeoCons like these would do exactly that.

There are opposition voices coming from within the GOP that have a different message. Jim DeMint is suggesting that we do nothing, let the banks fail, let foreclosures, rise, allow the economy to lapse into a depression while we sit by and watch. Well, it takes all kinds. Spoken like a guy who has a job. Too bad he’s not doing his job. The people of South Carolina deserve all the ignorant asses they elect and should memorize all the stupid things these idiots say so when their worlds fall apart and they are living in their cars, working part time at a fast food place, they will know what hit them. Looks like we will be hearing the death cries of the Bushworlders for some time to come.

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About author

A proud St. Louis Cardinals fan since 1959 as well as a committed, unreconstructed, Yellow Dog Democrat since the autumn of 1960. Politics and baseball... as American as apple pie.





