Black & White and Cardinal Red All Over

The Bush Legacy, Part Three | February 1, 2009

In watching the Obama Administration take shape over the past twelve days, I am reminded how the Bush administration took shape and steered this country off the higgest peaks of the world stage and down the Highway to Hell with maniacally laughing NeoCons at the wheel the whole way. I’m getting so used to breathing the fresh clean air of common sense and doing-the-right-thing I’ve almost forgotten what kind of a stench we just came out of. Almost but not quite. Thank God for bookmarked items in my What An Asshole file.

As a part of his late lamented lame-ass Legacy Tour George Bush admitted that Saddam Hussein was not part of the AQ plot against the World Trade Center that killed 3000 Americans but that he was still a threat to America and, therefore, it was incumbent upon us to do away with him no matter the cost. (That cost, by the way, will be borne by Americans for a long time after the name George Walker Bush is consigned to the dumpster of history.) Bush tried to pass it off as an inevitable conclusion of the faulty intelligence he manipulated but it was not. They silenced the voices of opposition in the intelligence community which merely made it seem like it was inevitable. It was not.

The war goes on in Iraq but the end is in sight thanks to the promise by candidate Obama to end the war in sixteen months from Inauguration Day. We’ve lost more troops to the war than we lost in the WTC attacks and the perpetrator of the attacks, Osama bin Laden, still roams free. The war in Afghanistan is still a forgotten war and will be until President Obama ramps it up to clean out that uncivilized area on the Pakistan-Afghanistan border and hopefully flush the vermin out so we can stomp them out of existence. That will be a much harder task than Iraq ever was. No big surprise that the Chimpster deferred tackling the hard project in favor of a make-work job: it’s the story of his life.

It was not a surprise that the Bushbots used the threat of nuclear war, Weapons of Mass Destruction, terrorist armies and God knows what else to scare most Americans into supporting this ill-fated and unneccessary war. It’s all they had. They claim that Saddam had all these weapons when common sense told everyone that he did not. Wimpy Bush 41 took them all out in the first Gulf War which followed close on the heels of the ten year Iran-Iraq war that decimated the cream of the next generation of Iranians and Iraqis. Saddam was at a distinct disadvantage and made up for that disadvantage with tough talk and boastful claims to keep the Iranians at bay. The Iranians bought into the claims. So, too, did the NeoCons who were looking for a war to fight to prove their manhood especially since most of them dodged and ducked the opportunity to fight when it was first presented to them in their youth.

What better way to prove how bad ass you are than to send someone else’s sons and daughters to fight in a war you wouldn’t fight in even if you could? What better way to start a war than to lie about the root causes? What better way to gloss over the destruction your short-sighted policies have caused at home and abroad than to admit you had nothing to go on but that you would do it all over again the exact same way again if you could knowing what a mess you made of it the first time? What better way to confess (without saying the actual words) that the only real reason you had for starting the War With Iraq was that Saddam threatened to kill your father? What better way indeed?

Inspirational link:

About author

A proud St. Louis Cardinals fan since 1959 as well as a committed, unreconstructed, Yellow Dog Democrat since the autumn of 1960. Politics and baseball... as American as apple pie.





