Black & White and Cardinal Red All Over

The Blair House Insult | January 13, 2009

I’ve been thinking about this for quite a while now and I am just stunned that this isn’t getting more play in the media. In what amounts to one last insult to his political opposition, George Bush made certain that the official guest residence, The Blair House, was not available for the Obama family to live in prior to moving into the White House. If there was ever a case to be made for the uncivilized behavior and arrogant rudeness of NeoCons, this should be bullet point number one. It is the political White House of George Bush never giving an inch to anyone even as the door is hitting them in the ass on the way out of Washington.

The incoming leader of the free world was forced to set up residence in a Washington hotel so that his children could begin attending school with the start of the new year. Why wasn’t the First Family to be allowed to take up residence in the Blair House? Because George Bush invited former Australian Prime Minister John Howard to stay there instead. The preference that Bush showed to Howard, a NeoCon PM who supported Bush’s incursion into Iraq and who was to be in town to get a Medal of Freedom, is appalling, to say the least. The friendship of one NeoCon to another must take priority over the safety and security of the incoming president in the world of George Bush. It is a large reason that his ilk were so soundly trounced last November; the American people were tired of the skewed priorities that Bushbot NeoCons demonstrated over the last eight years.

The final straw was this: when it became clear that Obama was going to want to use Blair House as his Transition base, it was then, and only then, that Bush hurriedly invited Howard to stay there so he could tell Obama “No, you cannot stay there.” I compare it to the old Three Stooges where Moe is poking Shemp in the eyes after Shemp asks Moe a question he cannot answer or doesn’t want to answer. Whoop, whoop, whoop, whoop, whoop!

You see, Tony Blair, the former British prime minister, and Alvaro Uribe, the president of Colombia are also in town to get their Medals but they declined to stay at Blair House even though it was offered to them. Bush must have convinced Howard to stay there so he could poke Obama in the eye one last time before he left office. If there was room for Blair and Uribe, why wasn’t there room for Obama? Obama’s not a NeoCon ass kisser, that’s why he cannot stay there as George Bush’s guest.

There were plenty of “receptions” aka parties, going on this last week of the Bush presidency but those were hardly a reason to keep the Obamas out. There are throwdowns there all the time and the guests are hardly bothered at all. That’s what the place is there for. It’s a guest house and tradition has the president-elect taking up residence there. Except this time.

From what I understand, there are more than 100 rooms with 17 separate bathrooms in the place and the Obamas would only take up 2 or 3 bedrooms and one bathroom. Does John Howard need that much room or privacy that he gets to take up the whole place to the exclusion of all others? Well, yes, he does because, as history shows, Howard is one of the most faithful Bush lap dogs there ever was. When Obama announced his candidacy, it was Howard that attacked him for his Iraq withdrawal plan. John Howard, a guy from Australia, who most Americans could not pick out of a line up, is now issuing expert opinions on American politics probably at the behest of Bush operatives if not Bush himself. This guy rates more highly on the Bush-o-meter than the next president does. No wonder Blair House was “full” when the Obamas came knocking.

This just goes to show you the loyalty that NeoCons have for each other. It transcends political party, race, or national boundaries. It even transcends common decency. NeoCons come first and no one else matters after that. Disgusting mothefuckers one and all.

About author

A proud St. Louis Cardinals fan since 1959 as well as a committed, unreconstructed, Yellow Dog Democrat since the autumn of 1960. Politics and baseball... as American as apple pie.





