Black & White and Cardinal Red All Over

The Bush Legacy Project, part one | December 17, 2008

In what can only be described as rewriting history in a most cynical way, George Bush and Karl Rove are at it again this time with the legacy of the George Bush administration as the target. Karl Rove, Karen Hughes and numerous others are hard at work distorting, manipulating, and covering up the history that they created over the last eight years. They hope that their most recent comments about the events that have nearly destroyed this republic over the last two terms will be the ones that the American public will remember in the long run. I hope the public will remember ALL of what they said so that history can judge them for the liars they are.

Bush is doing a series of “exit interviews” where he hopes to gloss over, prevaricate and set the record straight on his eight years as the Leader of The Free World. Karl Rove is using his position at Fox News to accomplish the same thing. Other senior advisors are offering up their distorted perceptions of what actually happened to our country in a devious attempt to corrupt the actuality of events and the destructive NeoCon philosophy that led the people in power to take the ideological steps they did; steps that were ultimately disastrous in result and  wide spread in their effects.

One of the Bush Legacy Lies being propagated is the one where everyone says that we would not have invaded Iraq had we had better intelligence about Saddam’s true intents and whether he had WMDs or nuclear weapons. What a load. Between the inspectors and the backchannel intel that Iraqi insiders were feeding to our intelligence network, we knew full well that those weapons were nowhere to be found. The Bush people doctored the evidence to eliminate all those references and left so-called intel from idiots like Curveball as the justification for our actions after 9/11. Anything Bush says that is contrary to those truths is just a flatout lie.

One wonders why Saddam said he had them when American intelligence knew that those weapons and the capability to make those weapons were destroyed back in the Gulf War in the early 1990s if you forget about the eight year war that Saddam waged with Iran. This war wiped out a generation of Iraq’s youth and crippled those youth who survived. Saddam’s fear of Iranian military might led him down that path of claiming to have WMDs and American intelligence knew that. Somehow, those reports never made it to Bush’s desk and, if they did, they were promptly ignored as not fitting in with current NeoCon dictums about the tin horn dictator we created but lost control over. Thoes dictums stated that Saddam had to go so the NeoCon Democracy Project could go forward. We all see how well that turned out.

If we remember just one Bush Legacy Lie above all others it should be this one. The War in Iraq should be the real legacy of the Bush years and a reminder never to buy into arrogance of American military power theory that has dictated our foreign (and domestic) policy since the beginning of Bush’s first term. So much for the ‘humble’ foreign policy that he promised us while campaigning for the job back in 2000.


Posted in Politics

About author

A proud St. Louis Cardinals fan since 1959 as well as a committed, unreconstructed, Yellow Dog Democrat since the autumn of 1960. Politics and baseball... as American as apple pie.





